On Thursday, 20 June 2024, SEAMEO RECFON organized a socialization event for the Nutrition Goes to School (NGTS) program targeting vocational high schools in Bogor City. The aim of this initiative is to disseminate information about the NGTS program and its implementation in induction school.

The event commenced with an opening address from Dr. Asep Sudarsono, S.Pd, MM, Head of Branch Office Region II, West Java Provincial Education Office. Dr. Asep Sudarsono emphasized, “A teacher’s responsibility extends beyond education; they must also understand healthy living to enhance thinking and behavior, enabling students to maximize their learning potential.”

Dr. dr. Herqutanto, MPH., MARS., Sp.KKLP, Director of SEAMEO RECFON, highlighted the significance of the event in his speech, stating, “This activity is a follow-up to the meeting between SEAMEO RECFON, SMK Wikrama Bogor, and the Branch Office Region II, West Java Provincial Education Department in Bogor City on March 6, 2024.”

Following the opening remarks, Indriya Laras Pramesthi, M.Gizi from SEAMEO RECFON, provided a brief overview of SEAMEO RECFON’s profile and implementation of the NGTS program in several schools.

The event featured Wijiastuti, S.Pd., representing SMK Wikrama, who shared insights on implementing the NGTS program in Bogor City. She outlined the background of NGTS at SMK Wikrama, citing:

  1. National Education Goals
  2. Awareness among the school community of the necessity for a healthy school environment to support the learning process
  3. The importance of good food and drink consumption for the school community
  4. The obligation to continue the healthy school program and the independent Adiwiyata School
  5. Relevant nutrition programs for adolescents provided by SEAMEO RECFON aligning with the school’s initiatives

After the event on 20 June 2024, held for the vocational schools in Bogor City, the second NGTS event was held for the vocational schools in Bogor District on 24 June 2024. The NGTS event in Bogor District was opened with a speech by the Head of the Regional Branch Office I, West Java Provincial Education Office, Dr. Abur Mustikawanto, M.Ed. Quoting Dr. Abur’s speech, “Nutritions Goes to School is extraordinary. If our school children’s nutrition fails or is not good, it will have implications for their health, especially the brain development.”

Dr. Herqutanto, Director of SEAMEO RECFON, also gave a speech about the NGTS program. “The NGTS program is initiated because there are still many nutritional and health problems among school-age children that have not been addressed. Currently, we are facing a triple burden of malnutrition, which includes undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies, such as anemia. Nutrition and other health issues among school-age children are urgent challenges that we must address immediately. We hope that the implementation of the NGTS program in schools can help students achieve optimal nutritional status, which will certainly play a role in improving their academic performance.”

The next event following the speeches was a brief presentation about the profile of SEAMEO RECFON. This session was led by Cahya Ayu Agustin, M.Gizi.

The NGTS event in Bogor District invited a representative from SMK Geo Informatika, Mahyubi, A.Md. Quoting Mahyubi, “From the 2015 Star Village Program and research from IPB and SEAMEO RECFON on student nutrition, the school agreed to implement the NGTS program through the curriculum in several subjects, girl empowerment activities, flag ceremonies, Geo events, student orientation, and internships.”

This event marks a significant step in promoting nutritional awareness and healthy living among students, aiming to foster an optimal learning environment through the NGTS program.

The NGTS socialization was attended by 26 teachers from 23 SMK in Bogor City and 23 teachers from 18 SMK in Bogor District.