South East Asian Nutrition Leadership Program

Seameo Recfon

South East Asian Nutrition Leadership Program

As a region, Southeast Asia is reportedly a fast growing economy in Asia in recent decades.  Likewise, its population health indicators and nutritional status showed relatively much improvement over the years.  Nonetheless, in terms of progress, overnutrition is on the rise in every country, in conjunction with too slow decreasing rate of undernutrition problems in the region.  The vast gaps in economic and technological development across the SEA countries showed that, in reality, immense inequalities in health burden persist in the region.

The complexity of the nutrition problems in the region is certainly calling for new critical mass of leaders in the field of nutrition who have vision, integrity, confidence and capacity to ignite an action for change, well-informed with the current situation and can stimulate partnership with other leaders to achieve the goals of nutrition improvement in the region.

The SEANLP (South East Asian Nutrition Leadership Program) is a platform designed for empowering nutritionists and other related professionals to gain competencies in effective leadership skills, communication, and decision making process. It aims to prepare participants to be the catalysts for enhancing nutrition development and provide a forum of networking in the region where information and ideas are exchanged and collaborative projects can be established.

The SEANLP is conducted under the auspices of the ENLP (European Nutrition Leadership Program) and is part of the Global Nutrition Leadership Platform together with European (ENLP) and African (ANLP). It was initiated and organized by the SEAMEO RECFON (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition) since 2002