ICFN (International Conference Food and Nutrition) is an international-based conference event in the field of food and nutrition held by SEAMEO RECFON (SouthEast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center For Food and Nutrition). The first ICFN was held in 2020 and 2024 will be the second.

Address           : Jl. Utan Kayu Raya No.1A, RT.1/RW.8, Utan Kayu Utara, Kec. Matraman, East Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 13120, Indonesia

Website           :

Instagram        : @seameorecfon

Tiktok             : seameorecfon

Environmental Nutrition

1) Photo Essay

a. Description

A photographic essay is a form of visual storytelling. For this competition, entrants are required to submit up to 50 words to accompany their image which could be a participant statement, essay, song lyric, poem or diary entry. The photographic essay competition is an opportunity for amateur photographers from across Southeast Asia to showcase their talents by capturing the beautiful surrounds of nutrition environment. The photo essay theme asks visual storytellers to explore the beauty of the environment in nutrition, as well environmental issues and challenges.

Environmental nutrition has relationships among the food system, health and nutrition, and environment. However new research findings are coming in as new issues and gaps continue to emerge in these relationships. We hope that entrants will harness their passion, curiosity and creativity to capture images of environmental nutrition awareness and encourage action. We are seeking images and stories that shine a light on our ICFN environment.

b. Goals

To convey a message or meaning through photos with a certain story.

c. Participants

General participant individually

d. Rules of Competition

  • The photo, voice narration, and caption must be about environmental nutrition.
  • The photos collected are original works, are not adaptations, imitations or plagiarisms of someone else’s work and have never been published or entered into any competition.
  • Photos must not contain elements of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup issues, pornography and other things that are contrary to the ethics, norms and laws that apply in Indonesia.
  • Photos do not contain any watermarks or copyright marks.
  • Photos can be given basic editing in the form of cropping, rotating, sharpening and contrast adjustments as long as they do not change the content of the photo.
  • The images are required to submit with up to 50 words in English which could be a participant statement, essay, song lyric, poem or diary entry.
  • Add voice narration with a maximum duration of 30 seconds.
  • Images must be no greater than 20 MB, be submitted with your written piece and have been taken in Southeast Asia within the last 12 months.
  • Only one image per participant is allowed.
  • Participants should upload a video on Instagram Reels. The account should not be private and needs to collaborate with @seameorecfon and use hashtag #SEAMEORECFON #SEAMEO #RECFON #SEAMEO2ndICFN #educationreels #environmentalnutrition #environmental #nutrition #(desired hashtag)

The type of photo essay that can be entered is:

  • Establishing shot
    Usually depicting the place/setting of the scene, usually using a wide angle lens to give a three-dimensional impression, but sometimes, a telephoto lens is also used.
  • Detail shot
    A detailed photo of an important object or part of a person, for example a wedding ring or a close-up of someone’s tears/lips, usually a macro or telephoto lens is used.
  • Interaction shot
    Contains the interaction of two or more people.
  • Climax
    A photo that depicts the climax of an event.
  • Closer/Clincher
    Photo that closes the story. Usually leaves an impression, message, inspiration or motivation.

e. Registration

Participants fill out the registration form via the following attached link

f. Terms and conditions

  • Every work submitted will become the property of the ICFN committee.
  • Works that have been submitted may not be included in other competitions.
  • The 3 selected works will be printed on high quality photographic paper for the ICFN exhibition
  • The committee has the right to publish each work while still including the owner’s name.
  • The committee does not cover costs incurred by participants while participating in the competition.
  • The decisions of the jury and committee cannot be contested.
  • Include save guarding principal.

2) Education Reels IG

a. Description

Reels are short vertical videos with a maximum duration of up to 60 seconds, which can be edited to include filters, effects, text, or sound, before being uploaded on Instagram.

b. Goals

To convey messages and information through Reels videos.

c. Participants

General participant (University student and beyond) could consist of an individual or team of 2 – 3 people each team.

d. Rules of Competition

  • The video must be about environmental nutrition.
  • Participants should upload a video on Instagram Reels. The account should not be private and needs to collaborate with @seameorecfon and use hashtag #SEAMEORECFON #SEAMEO #RECFON #SEAMEO2ndICFN #educationreels #environmentalnutrition #environemental #nutrition #(desired hashtag)
  • Videos must have a minimum duration of 60 seconds and a maximum of 90 seconds.
  • The submitted videos must be original works, not derivative, imitative, or plagiarized from someone else’s work, and have never been published or entered into any competition before.
  • The video must not contain elements of ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations issues, pornography, or any other content contrary to the ethics, norms, and laws applicable in Indonesia.

e. Registration

Participants must fill out the registration form through (GForm link contains) :

f. Terms and conditions

  • Any work submitted will become the property of the committee.
  • The work submitted has not been and cannot be included in other competitions.
  • The committee reserves the right to publish each work while still crediting the owner’s name.
  • The committee does not cover the expenses incurred by participants during the competition.
  • The decisions of the adjudicators and committees are final and cannot be contested.
  • Include save guarding principal.
  1. Extended Registration & Submission : 14 July 2024
  2. Top 10 Finalist Announcement : 5 August 2024
  3. Winner Announcement and Awarding: 17-18 October 2024

Total Prize : IDR Rp5.000.000,-