Five research grantees of SEAMEO RECFON received Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) certification for the outputs of their research projects conducted in 2022. These outputs consist of four learning media and one research instrument, namely: Booklet “Ayo Mencari Tahu”; E-MUEGIZ Module; KOLAGEN Learning Media; RODADE Learning Module; and PRISAT Instrument. The certification was issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on 2022.
Booklet “Ayo Mencari Tahu” (Let’s Find Out) is an educational media for (primary school children) school children about balanced nutrition through the consumption of nutritious food sources. It contains a concise explanation about the nutrient contents of corn, fish, carrot, tempe, mango, and fluids, as well as their benefits for the human body. It also provides a worksheet with theoretical and practical questions for the students.
Learning Media Booklet “Ayo Mencari Tahu”
E-MUEGIZ is an electronic teaching material for grade 10 senior high school students. E-MUEGIZ is a contraction for “E-Modul Usaha dan Energi Terintegrasi Gizi” in Bahasa Indonesia or “Integration E-Module Work (W) and Energy (E) with Nutrition Topic” in English. This module, which can be accessed through an Android mobile phone, is a problem-based learning model that depicts the relationship between physics and nutrition (especially about obesity and stunting). It contains pre- and post-test questions, learning material, worksheet (case study), video, and exercises for the students to have more fun in learning physics and nutrition concepts, as well as improve their learning outcomes.
Nutrition Educational Module (E-Modul Edukasi Gizi/E-MUEGIZ)
KOLAGEN is a learning media for in both electronic and print versions which explains about balanced nutrition, essential nutrient contents of various foods, and “Isi Piringku” (My Plate) concept. This media also provides a worksheet for primary school children where they can draw the exact portion of food they consume using the “Isi Piringku” template. KOLAGEN is a contraction for “Kelas Online Gizi SD Negeri Pandeyan” in Bahasa Indonesia or “Online Nutrition Class for Pandeyan National Primary School” in English.
KOLAGEN (Kelas Online Gizi SD Negeri Pandeyan) Learning Module
RODADE (Reading, Observation, Discussion, Application, Documentation, and Evaluation) is a science learning model for senior high school students, particularly about food safety. It focuses on group project-based learning activity among students to develop a smart detector for illegal food additives such as borax and formalin. RODADE model is available in both online and offline versions as a response to learning methods during and post-COVID-19 pandemic.
RODADE Learning Model to Develop Smart Detector for Illegal Food Additives in Research Learning
PRISAT (Productivity Risk Self-Assessment Tools) is a research instrument which consists of eight closed-ended questions (dichotomy) to identify the risk factor of non-communicable diseases that can lead to productivity reduction in urban workers. The answer for each question will be counted and the total score will be categorized into low- risk and high-risk NCDs.
PRISAT (Productivity Risk Self-Assessment Tools)
Since 2017, SEAMEO RECFON has been providing annual research grants to academicians and teachers in Indonesia. This program is fully funded by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia to generate innovative and applicable research results that address food and nutrition concerns