Judul                     : School-Based Nutrition Promotion Program: Indonesia’s Country Profile

Penulis                 : Yessi Crossita Octaria

Editor                    : Helda Khusun, Luh Ade Wiradnyani, Jesus Corpuz Fernandez

ISBN                      :  –

Halaman              : 98 halaman

Ukuran                 : 17,6 cm X 25 cm

Sinopsis                :

School-Based Nutrition Promotion Program: Indonesia’s Country Profile aims as reference materials for schools not only in Indonesia, but also in Southeast Asia, to learn and improve the implementation of their School-Based Nutrition Promotion (SBNP) programs and activities. This book highlighted the SBNP programs and policies in Indonesia, including the School Health Program (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah/Madrasah or UKS/M), the School Feeding Program (Program Gizi Anak Sekolah/ProGAS), the Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation to adolescent school girl, the Nutrition Goes to Schools (Gizi Untuk Prestasi), as well as the best practices, impacts, and lessons learned of its implementation. There is also explanation on how Indonesia deal with challenges and potential areas needing improvements in implementing the SBNP programs and policies. This book is expected to provide inputs for research, capacity building, advocacy, and policy making by governments, NGOs, academic and research institutions towards addressing the gaps in the SBNP implementation in respective country.