SEAMEO RECFON visited East Aceh District on 23-24 October 2023 to conduct monitoring and evaluation of Early Childhood Care, Nutrition, and Education (ECCNE) Program.
On October 23, 2023, SEAMEO RECFON team met the Director of Health Polytechnic of Aceh and his colleagues to monitor and evaluate the implementation, as well as discuss the planning of future collaboration for the ECCNE Program in East Aceh District.
The next morning, our team and Health Polytechnic of Aceh staff met the district government, represented by the District Development Planning Office, District Health Office, District Family Planning Office, and District Education Office, to discuss the implementation and action plan of the ECCNE Program in East Aceh District.
This monev activity came up with several outputs such as disseminating the baseline data of ECCNE program in East Aceh District by the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, planning on the implementation of training of trainer (TOT) for 16 early childhood care (ECE) institutions in East Aceh District in November 2023 and assistance of ECCNE program, which will involve the students and alumni of the Health Polytechnic of Aceh.