SEAMEO RECFON held a Workshop on Strengthening the I-HELP Program (Islamic Health Promoting School Program) on October 25, 2023 which was attended by representatives of 9 schools/madrasah in Jakarta. Tuti Alawiyah, S.I.Kom, M.Si (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology/MOECRT) and Nursyifa Rahma Maulida, M.Gizi (Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University/UHAMKA) also attended as resource persons in this workshop.
This workshop aimed to strengthen the potential synergy of nutrition and health education with the Merdeka Curriculum Program through the Merdeka Mengajar Platform from the MOECRT, as well as develop action plan for the implementation of NGTS in schools/madrasah for the 2023-2024 period with a sustainable and attractive approach as an effort to improve the school health program.
I-HELP Program has been implemented since 2020 by UHAMKA (academic partner of SEAMEO RECFON) as part of the Nutrition Goes To School (NGTS) Program in 10 schools/madrasah in Jakarta.