SEAMEO RECFON visited Ogan Ilir District on 23-24 October 2023 to conduct monitoring and evaluation of Early Childhood Care, Nutrition, and Education (ECCNE) Program and strengthen the collaboration with Sriwijaya University as the academic partner.
On October 23, 2023, Dr. Zainun Misbah (Acting Director SEAMEO RECFON) and staff met the Executive Assistant to Regent of Ogan Ilir and his colleagues from the District Development Planning Office, District Education Office, District Family Planning Office, and District Health Office to discuss the implementation and action plan of ECCNE Program in Ogan Ilir District.
In the afternoon, our team met the Vice Rector of Sriwijaya University and Dean from the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics,Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, as well as Head of Planning and Public Relations Bureau. This meeting discussed the planning of future collaboration between SEAMEO RECFON and Sriwijaya University which will be officially released through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
On the next day, October 24, 2023, our team visited an early childhood care (ECE) institution to conduct a focus group discussion (FGD) with the parents and teachers about the implementation of parenting class by using ECCNE modules.
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