SEAMEO RECFON received an Intellectual Property Right certification for the web-based monitoring and evaluation  information system developed by its academic research grantee in 2020 for its Nutrition Goes To School (NGTS) Program.  The certification was issued by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights on 16 July 2021.

Named Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Program Nutrition Goes to School (SIPP NGTS) in Indonesian language, the information system consists of seven modules, namely: (1) general module, (2) user management, (3) school management, (4) indicator management, (5) evaluation management, (6) indicator entry recapitulation, and (7) analytics dashboard. Each module encompasses a number of specific features which translate end-user requirements into system functionalities.

The end-users for this information system are SEAMEO RECFON’s Board of Directors, SEAMEO RECFON Community Development and Partnership (CDP) Unit which directly implements the NGTS Program, and School Administrators of NGTS partner-schools.

SEAMEO RECFON’s Board of Directors can search and view the profiles of the partner-schools within the program sites and their overall progress in implementing their NGTS action plans.  The SEAMEO RECFON CDP Unit has the authority to add new partner-schools and their profiles, update the monitoring indicators, schedule the evaluation periods and extract the data inputted by the school partners on the different indicators to  assess the progress and provide corrective actions to the partner-schools to sustain the NGTS program implementation. The School Administrators  can view their profile, fill out the monitoring indicators to report their progress during a given evaluation period, and view the results of the data they inputted.

The information system was developed by Ms. Nurul Dina Rahmawati from the Faculty of Public Health of Universitas Indonesia based on her research proposal entitled Development of a Web-based Information System to Monitor School-Based Nutrition Promotion Program Implementation in Indonesia which received funding from SEAMEO RECFON in 2020.  Her research team members consisted of Mr. Rahmad Mahendra, Ms. Heninggar Septiantri, Mr. Muhammad Mishbah, Ms Cahya Ayu Agustin, Ms. Rizka Fahmia, Mr Arina Nurul Ihsani. The team was mentored by Dr. Jesus C. Fernandez and Mr. Aziz Jati Nur Ananda, SEAMEO RECFON Deputy Director for Program and Accounting and Finance Administration Unit Manager, respectively.