Central Jakarta, seameo-recfon.org – The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia held the Inauguration of Full Professors at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia in the FKUI Hall, IMERI, FKUI Salemba, on Saturday (24/02/2024). The event was opened by the Rector of Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., MA, Ph.D.

Prof. dr. Indah Suci Widyahening, M.S., M.Sc.CM-FM., Ph.D., Sp.K.K.L.P., Subsp.C.O.P.C was one of the Full Professors inaugurated at the event. In her speech, entitled “Peran Spesialis Kedokteran Keluarga Layanan Primer dalam Menjembatani Kesenjangan Pengendalian Mendukung Pencapaian Target Pembangunan di Bidang Kesehatan (The Role of Family Medicine Specialists in Primary Care in Bridging the Gap in Control to Support the Achievement of Development Targets in the Health Sector)”, she stated that reducing the relative risk of premature death due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by one-third in 2030 is one of the sustainable development targets in the health sector.

She also revealed her recommendations to accelerate NCD control in Indonesia.

“The recommendation that I give is to increase the number of family medicine specialists in primary care as doctors who have effective NCD control competencies. Every family in Indonesia should have a family medicine doctor to accompany them in maintaining their health, especially in preventing NCDs. To fill the gap in NCD control, at least one SP-KKLP is needed in every public health center. The second recommendation is to make target control efforts on the teenager and young adult age groups through health promotion and septic-based risk factor control. And my third recommendation is to encourage operational research that aimed at obtaining effective NCD risk factor control and prevention models in Indonesian primary care,” said Prof. dr. Indah Suci.

Writer: Ni Putu Ayu Sanjiwaning Saraswati
Editor: A.A.S. Indriani Oka
Admin: Dodi Suswandi