As part of our commitment for community services for the people in Utan Kayu Utara where our Centre is located, in this month we successfully hosted parenting sessions on importance of nutrition for preschoolers and promotion of local specific food-based recommendation (FBR) delivered for the seven Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centre. The previous parenting sessions in three ECE Center/PAUD (usul ditambahkan nama satuan PAUDnya agar konsisten dengan dua kalimat berikutnya) were conducted in the first to second week of January. Subsequently, the other parenting sessions were carried out in PAUD Mustika Indah on 16 January, PAUD Waringin on 22 January, PAUD Cempaka Sari on 25 January, and lastly PAUD Melati Putih on 26 January.
In these sessions, the ECCNE team of SEAMEO RECFON shared nutrition topics as part of the ECCNE module, especially on nutrition for optimal growth, food safety, hygiene and sanitation, and introduction of the FBR. Throughout the session, all participants were actively engaged in discussions, expressing their opinions on their current practices of caring for their children. The session also included the practical session to assist the parents in filling the ECCNE record book in order to monitor the nutrition, health, and caring practices of their child as self-reflection.
Writer: Evi Nurhidayati Editor: Indriya Laras Pramesthi Admin: Dodi Suswandi