On 24 – 26 June 2024, SEAMEO RECFON together with HIMPAUDI conducted a training within the Master of Trainers (MOT) network entitled “Early Childhood Care, Nutrition, and Education (ECCNE): Implementing the Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Education (HI ECE) Concept through Parenting Sessions as an Effort to Prevent Stunting”. The training was conducted online through the Zoom Meeting platform and aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to apply HI ECE concepts through parenting sessions to prevent stunting in early childhood.
The training was officially opened by Dr. dr. Herqutanto, MPH., MARS., Sp.KKLP, Director of SEAMEO RECFON, and Dr Hj Betti Nuraini, M.M., Chairperson of HIMPAUDI.
Khalida Fauzia, M.Gizi (SEAMEO RECFON), delivered an introduction to the training and built commitment to learning. The first day of the training also included an understanding of “Early Childhood Care, Nutrition, and Education Program” by Dr. Umi Fahmida, M.Gizi (ECCNE Program Coordinator), as well as exposure to early childhood growth and development by Dewi Shinta, M.Gizi (SEAMEO RECFON) and Emelda, S.Pd, M.Ed from HIMPAUDI West Sumatra. The material on parenting and playing with early childhood was presented by Dr Risatianti Kolopaking, M.Psi, Psychologist from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The participants were also asked to read the material and take module quizzes covering various topics such as fulfilment of child nutrition, personal hygiene, food safety, management of sick toddlers, and making microteaching videos.
The second day of the training began with a reflection by the participants, followed by material by Indriya Laras Pramesthi, M.Gizi (SEAMEO RECFON) on optimal child nutrition fulfilment, followed by an early childhood meal planning exercise for one week. Dr Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti, M.Sc (SEAMEO RECFON) delivered material on personal hygiene and food safety. Dr Syofiyati Jamila from the East Lombok MOT Team presented on management of sick children, while Fatima Rahmah, S.Psi., M.Ed from SEAMEO CECCEP explained about child protection, security and safety. The second day was closed with a presentation on the implementation and monitoring of the ECCNE Program based on HI ECD by Dr. Umi Fahmida, M.Gizi and Aziz Jati Nur Ananda, M.Gizi (SEAMEO RECFON).
On the last day, participants reflected and presented their microteaching assignments. Evi Nurhidayati, M.Gizi (SEAMEO RECFON), delivered the “Early Childhood Care Nutrition” module through parenting sessions using the Distance Teaching (PJJ) method. The session ended with a presentation on effective communication strategies for implementing parenting sessions for parents of early childhood by Dwi Anisa Faquamala, M.Pd from SEAMEO CECCEP.
One of the training participants, Ibu Titin, expressed her impression, “We learnt a lot and gained more knowledge about child development. Educators also increasingly understand the importance of reflecting on child development and religious and moral values, where home is the first school for children.”
This training was attended by 108 HIMPAUDI participants from the national, 14 provinces, and 17 districts and expected to have a positive impact on stunting prevention efforts and improve the quality of early childhood care in Indonesia.