Dr. Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti received a plaque of recognition as one of SEAMEO’s Service Awardees for 2022/2023 during the welcome dinner of the 52nd SEAMEO Council Conference hosted by the Vice President and Secretary of Education of the Philippines on 8 February 2023.

Left to right: HE Sara Z. Duterte (Vice President and Secretary of the Phillippines Republic) and Dr. Dwi Nastiti

Plaque of SEAMEO Service Awards 2022/2023

Dr. Iis has been working in SEAMEO RECFON for 27 years. She is the Centre’s expert on food safety, child health and nutrition education and promotion, infant and young child feeding, and health workers empowerment. She was instrumental in integrating food safety topic in the curriculum of diploma program of health polytechnic institutions in Indonesia, master program in Nutrition in Vietnam, Philippines, Lao PDR and Cambodia. She also played a key role in developing the Centre’s on-line training course on food safety and HACCP for health professional in SEA countries as well as healthy school canteen for teachers in Southeast Asia.   These two courses are now accredited by the Human Resource Development Board of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia.

Dr. Iis has also authored and co-authored 21 articles published in national and international  peer-reviewed journals, 12 ISBN books and 3 intellectual right products in the area of food safety, children nutrition, as well as food and nutrition promotion. Among her notable publication is the Healthy School Canteen Manual which is the major learning material for SEAMEO RECFON’s Nutrition Goes to School (NGTS) Program for all its school-partners in Indonesia.

Left to right: Dr. Pratap Singhasivanon (Director of SEAMEO TROPMED Thailand, Dr. Dwi Nastiti, and Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela (Director of SEAMEO Secretariat)

Aside from receiving plaques appreciation for their dedication in their respective SEAMEO Centres, all awardees were treated to a cultural tour around Metro Manila on 9 February 2023. Among the famous places visited by the awardees were the Intramuros-Fort Santiago, Barbara’s Heritage Restaurant, National Museum of the Philippines and the SM Mall of Asia.

Awardees from SEAMEO Centres-Indonesia (first row) and their respective Board of Directors (second row)

All Awardees of SEAMEO’s Service Awardees for 2022/2023