SEAMEO RECFON’s e-book on “Praktik Baik Pelaksanaan Program Anakku Sehat dan Cerdas (Best Practices in Early Childhood Care, Nutrition and Education (ECCNE) Program Implementation) in Indonesia is now available.
The e-book contains the best practices of the Centre’s two local government-partners, namely: Tanjung Jabung District in Jambi Province and East Lombok in Nusa Tenggara Province, after three years of implementing the ECCNE program. The best practices were gathered through focused group discussions with local government officials, academic partners, ECCNE master trainers, early childhood education teachers and parents in the said program sites. The e-book also presents information on SEAMEO RECFON’s effort to translate the holistic integrative ECE program (PAUD-HI, a concept of ECE Program in Indonesia) into a model which emphasizes on parenting and nutrition education through local-based complementary feeding recommendation (PGS-PL).
The e-book can be accessed for free at SEAMEO RECFON website ( and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia website (
Figure 1 the latest publication of SEAMEO RECFON with ISBN of 978-623-7759-85-0 (PDF)