The Indonesia Early Childhood Care, Nutrition, and Education Working Group (ECCNE WG) agreed on integrating the efforts and results of dietary surveys by academic institutions as well as the ways of measuring ECCNE indicators during the workshop organized by SEAMEO RECFON on 11 April 2023 via online mode. The workshop participants also agreed to create a task force among them to formulate an action plan and standards for dietary intake data collection and analysis.

The workshop was a follow up action to the Working Group’s decision during its last year’s meeting to mainstream the ECCNE modules developed by SEAMEO RECFON into the curriculum of universities and health polytechnic institutes in Indonesia, and to strengthen the interest and capacity of students to participate in dietary data collection and analysis towards generating local food-based diet recommendations to address nutrition problems in communities.  SEAMEO RECFON invited two workshop speakers for this purpose.

Mrs. Indah Yuliana, M.Sc, Lecturer of Faculty of Public Health of  Sriwijaya University, presented about integration of ECCNE baseline study on the community internship of their undergraduate students from 3 study programs, namely:  public health, environmental health, and nutrition. This community internship used problem-based learning approach through problem solving cycle which includes situational analysis of the health problem in the community; identifying the priority problem; determinant analysis of the health problem;  intervention; monitoring and evaluation; and  final report writing. This integrated community internship was initiated in 2022 in collaboration with the District Health Office of Ogan Ilir, Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional – BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Board), and SEAMEO RECFON. The output of the community internship was a policy brief for the said district office and scientific publication in accredited journal.

Presentation from Mrs. Indah Yuliana, M.Sc (Sriwijaya University)

The next speaker was Mr. Joko Susilo, M.HSc, Chairman of Indonesian Nutrition Vocational Education Association (AIPVOGI), who explained about the potential of vocational students to collect dietary  intake data as part of their community internship towards formulating local specific food-based recommendations (FBRs) to address nutritional gaps in communities in Indonesia. About 588 lecturers from 64 vocational institutions in 3 regions in Indonesia, namely: Sumatera and Kalimantan; Jawa, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara; and Sulawesi, Maluku, dan Papua have conducted dietary intake surveys  in recent years with 86% response rate.  These surveys were participated in by more than 3.000 undergraduate students during their community internships. The surveys were able to update the national total dietary intake  (macro and micro nutrient) data which was last updated in 2014. However, Mr. Joko said that there is a need to develop the standards in developing survey instrument/questionnaire and data collection process to ensure the data validity and reliability, as well as develop further human resource capacities.

Presentation from Mr. Joko Susilo, M.HSc and Mr. Manjilala, M.Nut (AIPVOGI)

Also during the workshop, SEAMEO RECFON ECCNE Program Coordinator Dr. Umi Fahmida presented the progress of ECCNE program from October 2022 to March 2023.  This progress report included the launching of the book on “Best Practices of ECCNE Program in Lombok Timur District and Tanjung Jabung  Timur District; conduct of ECCNE in daycare setting phase 1 (online survey); validation of child development monitoring tools (Kartu Kembang Anak/KKA) with BKKBN in Lombok Timur District; ECCNE training in Ogan Ilir, Pekalongan, and Lombok Timur Districts; program monitoring in Brebes District; program evaluation in Brebes, Ogan Ilir, and Solok District; and launching  of the  2023 ECCNE Awards for local government partner-institutions.

Presentation of Progress of ECCNE Program by Dr. Umi Fahmida (SEAMEO RECFON)

The workshop was attended by more than 150 participants from health polytechnic institutions, universities, and local government offices of district locus, including the 75 members of the Indonesia ECCNE Working Group.

Wrap-Up Session by Dr. Umi Fahmida (SEAMEO RECFON)